When you are on vacation but run your own business (now businesses, but more to come on that later), it’s challenging, to put it mildly, to turn off work. I’d say impossible, but in reality, that’s not accurate. Of course I *could* stop working completely, but I choose not to. It’s a chicken or egg conundrum. Are people who are wired a certain way incapable of checking out, or are people who run successful businesses successful because they don’t check out while on vacation? Or is there no connection at all?

Here’s what I know definitively. A few hours in the early morning of dedicated laptop time, meeting with my employees and some calls or texts with reporters or prospective clients goes a long way toward making my late morning/mid-day more relaxed. I know productivity is in full swing and I can take some time for a walk with my daughter, a mindless beach read, or poolside social media scrolling. I left my phone charging yesterday afternoon in the clubhouse and must admit was anxious without it nearby. It’s not logical entirely. I’m not solving world hunger. I have backup and they’re getting work done. Yet …

I worked for three hours last night and made a lot of headway. Slept well and woke up feeling relaxed. Checked email this morning, stopped to write this blog, and am about to pack up the beach bag and the youngest Parker swimmer. We all recharge in different ways and if 55 hour workweeks become a 25-hour vacation workweek, then I’ll take that as a win!